
Thursday, February 17, 2011

JoAnn's grocery picks

NoFrills - The flyer beginning tomorrow runs for the next 2 weeks, so you have plenty of time to take advantage of some great sales.
Oktoberfest sausages 400g $1.97. I have cooked these before. The kids really like them. They are uncooked, so take a little longer than smokies, but are good cut and put into a gravy and eaten over pasta or with mashed potatoes.
Bluewater breaded fish fillets. 300g box (6-8/box) $2.14 I love the lemon pepper variety
Piller's sliced ham 250g pkg $1.99. That's $.80/100
NN frozen lasgana $5.99. This has been on for a few weeks now. Good freezer meal for emergencies. Not as good as homemade, but will do in a pinch.
Pogo's 10/box $3.97 (Not that healthy, but we don't always listen to our conscience, do we?)
sole fillets 680g bags $3.99. I prefer cod or pollock, but this is a good price
grape tomatoes $1.24!!
cauliflower $1.23 each!!
ASPARAGUS $1.47!! In case you haven't caught on yet, I am having a love affair with this vegetable and this is an absolutely awesome price. Co-op has the same price ending today. So now for 2 more weeks we can indulge.
Beatrice choc milk 1L $.99
Milk to go and Neilson's shakes 500g $.99 (not very healthy, but is better than pop in my humble opinion)
Post cereal (shreddies, honeycomb, honey bunches of oats, etc) $1.98 (that's 1/2 price)
Mini Wheats $2.88 (almost half price)
Tortilla wraps $1.59 (also 1/2 price)
Jameson vitamins all 1/2 price
Breton crackers $1.39/box
Unico tomatoes $.88/798 can
Phillidelphia cream cheese 400g tub $2.79

I'll check the other stores to see if there's anything interesting.

Okay, so here's the rest. Not too exciting, but if you aren't up to driving out to Sylvan (or Lacombe) there's a few things you can pick up in town.

IDA drugs (Westpark and Mountview) Also Blackfalds for those out there.
Admiral tuna 2/$.98 Time to stock up.

3 days only - Cucumbers $.88
Pepsi or Coke products 24can cube $5.99
The rest of the week:
snap peas $6.98

broccoli crowns $.99/lb

grapes (red or green) $1.37. Not too special, but okay
gala apples 6lb bag $3.98 That's $.65/lb
Nn peanut butter 2kg jar $4.98
Foremost ice cream $4.98/4L pail
McCain rising crust pizza $4.97
Pizza pops $4.98/box of 12. Works out to $.41 each with is below my max price of $.50 each

And that's it!!

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