
Friday, February 26, 2010

Free Heinz Reusable Shopping Bag & More

I get the Canadian Free Samples Newsletter emailed to me and every now and then something good is available. In today's newsletter, one of the free samples available is a Heinz Nurture reusable shopping bag, containing: Sample of Heinz Nurture™ Infant Formula, Newborn Nutrition and Feeding Guide, and a Watch-Me-Grow Growth Chart. All you have to do is join the Heinz Baby Club and answer some survey questions. I haven't tried this but if anyone wants to, go here. It takes 4-6 weeks for delivery and it's only available while quantities last. I have no idea if you have to pay shipping and handling. I thought this might be nice for those expecting or who have newborns.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Become An Author

Sisters, in order to make things a little simpler, those of you who want to make posts in the blog just need to ask Pam or me. You'll receive an email saying "The Blogger user your sister has invited you to contribute to the blog: Red Deer 3rd Relief Society. To contribute to this blog, visit:" Click on the link provided &sign in with your own email &password. You will then become authors & can post here.

One more thing, Terry Kocher & JoAnn Lynn should already have received an email to become an author. Check your spam box if you don't see it. It will be from "your sister".

Also, any websites that you think your fellow sisters might find useful, post a comment & they can be added to the "Websites to Visit" box on the left. [edit] I meant on the right. ;) [/edit]

Questions? Problems? Comment here.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Because I passed kindergarten at least twice, I have learned to share.
If anyone would like to have the pass word to this blog let me know and I can email it to you. I picture this as more of a message board, musing of all type of thing not just of me.
I hope you are all having a great day.

Friday, February 19, 2010

First One

Welcome to your blog!
After spending the last few weeks listening closely to what you were saying about what you needed, it came to me that a blog might be useful for us to stay in contact.
Feel free to post anything that you think will help your sisters, grocery or shoe sales to parenting tips. If you need an answer, post the question.
Hopefully, using this tool we can further support and strengthen eachother. When we are stronger and more unified then we are more able to do His work in our homes, ward and communtiy.
So, happy blogging and enjoy each other.
Pam Liptak