
Monday, July 26, 2010

JoAnn's Grocery Picks for the Week

So, if you missed going out to NoFrills last week, you have another chance. Most of the sale items have been continued this week.

Pork loin, cut into chops, BONELESS. $1.77/lb or $3.90/kg I bbq these for my crew yesterday for under $5.00!!! They were very easy and no waste since they were boneless.
Ribs - same price as the chops
Pork tenderloin $2.50/lb Too pricey for me, but if you are looking for a choice cut of pork, boneless and no fat, this is the one for you. Comes 2/pkg
top sirloin steak $2.97/lb or $6.55/lb Steak is out of my league, but this is decent for steak
1L carton chocolate milk $.98 ea
Duncan Hines cake mix $.88 ea
Frozen juice - Five Alive $.64 (or Fruitopia, but it has too much sugar for me)
Campbell's soup $.47 (but Co-op has the 12 can case for $4.99 or $.41/can)
cantaloupe $.99 ea
blueberries $1.24/pint
mangoes $.49 ea
romaine hearts $1.14 bag of 3 This is for you Donna
red peppers bag of 4 only $1.49

I am going out this week, so if anyone wants me to pick up something, let me know. I can do that. Or if you want to hitch a ride, I can do that too.

Superstore - The free item is a $25 gift card for purchases over $250.
cherries $1.87/lb
tomatoes $.86/lb
corn on the cob 6/$1.68 ($.28/cob)
romaine lettuce $.56 each
mini wheats $2.99 (limit of 2)
Crispix (and other Kellogg's cereal) $2.99 (limit of 2) This is for you Travis
Kaiser or Italian buns $3.48/2 doz. That's under $.15 each

If you are running low on boneless chicken breast, Safeway's price this week is $26.36. Limit of 2

As I mentioned earlier, Campbell's soups by the case, $4.99 or $.41/can
canned mushrooms $.58 each
fresh salmon, whole $.29/100g When it's this price, I buy 10-12 and pressure can them. It is one of the easiest things to preserve. Simply cut the whole salmon (bones, skin and all) to the length of your jars, stuff the fish in the jar, add salt and finish filling with water. Seal and pressure cook according to canner's directions. I have a pressure canner if anyone wants to try this. All the instructions are in the box. I use wide-mouth pint jars (500mL for those of you who are metric). They are easiest to fill. I learned how to do salmon from working at the cannery.


  1. JoAnn,
    I'll call you re. No Frills.

  2. Hey, So I am moving, sad I know, and am getting rid of a bunch of stuff. No time for a garage sale so if anyone wants anything just come by and pick it up.
    I have
    two large mouth vases
    an iron
    couple of mens sweaters
    2 hurricane lamps and some oil
    a picnic backpack
    a swiffer wetjet no pads maybe a little bit of solution
    a rice/vegetable steamer
    some mixed match utensils
    starfrit deluxe rotary cheese grater
    handheld blender
    I think there is some more but don't remember.
    I am also trying to sell my organ for $150 OBO.
    I will be home this evening and tomorrow evening. Just give me a call if you want to come and rumage for free.
    Kara Atwood

  3. Hey So for the superstore flyer that started today there are huggie diapers on for $20 a box and if you stop and look at the coupon wall you can grab a coupon for free huggie wipes when you buy the $20 box of huggies. I thought that was AWESOME!!!!!

  4. Could you post that I am giving away my organ now. I really need it gone by august 13. Thanks Kara

  5. Jen, No Frills is a grocery store with superstore brands, but sometimes even better prices than superstore. There is one in sylvan lake, lacombe, and olds around Red Deer. It's worth the drive!
