
Monday, July 19, 2010

JoAnn's Grocery Picks for the Week

Ice Cream 4L pail $3.99
sugar 10kg bag (the biggest bag, Liesel) $8.99
grapes $.99/lb
pop (12cans) $2.00/case
pork button bones - Here they are Liesel - $1.99/lb or $4.39/kg
Harmonie drink crystals 1.75kg $4.99

Superstore - case mangoes free with $150 purchase. The above items at Co-op will be the same price at Superstore if you are wanting to make the $150. Or combine with another person, as Liesel suggested last week.
Dollar Days items:
NN frozen orange juice $1.00
NN ice cream sandwiches 12/box $4.00
NN rench fries $1.50/kg bag
NN croutons $1.00
Neilson yogurt 3/$1.00
NN Cheese blocks $7.98 (limit 2)
strawberries 2lbs $2.86 - awesome
bulk buns $2.00/dozen
canned tomatoes $1.00 (limit 5)
NN rice cakes $1.0 (limit 4)
picnic dishes (plastic cutlery, foam cups and plates)

Signal ice cream novelties 24/box $6.99
bottled water 12's $.99/case
tomatoes on the vine $.99/lb

Pork tenderloin $2.50/lb $5.51/kg A bit more than I like to pay for pork, but it is the tenderloin.
half loin (I think cut into chops) $1.77/lb or $3.90/kg
side ribs same price as above loin
sole fillets 400g pkg $2.39 (I bought the 680g pkg last week for $3.99, which is the same price)
blueberries (I don't buy these, but seems good)
carrots, 2lb bag (regular, not baby) $.89 each (equals $2.22 for a 5lb bag)
onions $1.29/3lb bag
romaine hearts 3pk $1.14
Red peppers 4pk - $1.49
Chocolate milk $.98/L (that's almost the same price as the new white milk price)
General Mills "sugar" cereal $3.38
5Alive/fruitopia frozen cans $.64. That's awesome. That's equivalent to $.89 for a 1.89L. So. . .
Sauve shampoo and conditioner $.99

1 comment:

  1. Thanks JoAnn. I think I'm gonna make me some jam this week.
